Ping On Ointment - 12 Pack

Ping On Ointment - 12 Pack
Each container is 8 grams
Ping On in Chinese translates to safety and well-being. This balm truly lives up to its name. Ping On Ointment can be used to relief muscle pains. It also helps with headaches, colds and seasickness. Simply rub some Ping On Ointment under your nostril and temples if you are feeling ill. Ping On Ointment can help heal burns, swelling, and bleeding. It also deters mosquitos, and makes bites less itchy!
Conveniently sized for you to carry everywhere! Leave one in your car, put one in your pocket, bag, or backpack. You never know when you will need it!
Peppermint, Eucalyptus, WIntergreen, Beeswax, & Aromatic Oil
Made in Hong Kong